Enroute to Somewhere...
Random snapshots of life
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- A look out point near the secret entrance gate wit...
- This is the view from the outside of the wall. Ou...
- This was the secret entry way, likely covered by t...
- Land of Green
- The Korean "resort". Not sure why the architect c...
- The men (and some women) playing Joku.
- Aww, Wilbur! There were some animals penned up ne...
- A giant game of jump rope. Whoever jumps the most...
- Everyone discussing the rules and regulations of t...
- Rob stressed pre relay.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Ok Mom, looks like I'm going to introduce you as Pat from now on. No more Patti for you, see how you like that?!?!
I agree that pat could very well signify gap in the korean language, and i have consulted with several of my linguistic collegues (whom i met through my work as a world reknown international economist, needing, of course, linguists to help with the International part- and they all concur, pat could very well mean gap.
Regards, C. Tegelberg
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