Sunday, August 07, 2005

Good Eats

This weekend was a lot of fun. Rob and I co-hosted a foreigner bbq at our apartment on the roof. Since we don't often eat a lot of "western" food, it's nice to indulge in some fat steaks from time to time. We had a bunch of people come by for dinner and just chill on our roof. We're quite fortunate to be able to hang out up there, because most of the rest of the apartment dwellers that we know aren't able to get roof access. Anyway, it was nice, we ate, we talked, we chilled. It was perfect being that most of us are working "intensives" right now and putting in a ton of overtime hours.

I've really been thinking lately about how incredibly blessed I've been to get to know so many really awesome people out here in Seoul. I know that for a lot of people, teaching English in a foreign country can be a very lonley time. There is quite a growing group of Christian twenty-somethings that I've been a part of for the past few months. And, as my friend Matt says, "It's all a rich tapestry" in the way that we've all connected. We've all known someone, who knows someone, who knows someone. It seems like all of it came together for a purpose. As hard as we can try to discover the "flukes" that happened to bring us together, none of us can really deny that it's anything other than God wanting us to chill in community in this massive city. It's really kinda cool when I take the time to sit down and think about it.

In other news, I cut my hair. I went to a random Korean hair salon, which I was a little reluctant to do, due to the communication barrier. However, I hadn't up until this point cut my hair for about six months, so it was time. I walked into a place close to my house that looked like someone just might speak a little English in there (not quite sure how I could tell this, but I could...). Anyway, I went in asked a few questions (ie: "Do you speak English" "Can you cut my hair?" When?"). All worked out and I got this guy to start cutting. I have to admit that I was a little nervous at first, especially when I told him to cut off three inches and he took over five! My hair was pretty long to start and now it's just a little below my shoulders. The Koreans working in the salon were all crowded around me listening to the one guy speaking English to me. When others tried to throw out phrases that they knew in English, the rest of the group would make fun of them. I just laughed. What a gong show. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with the results. It's nice to have shorter hair right now. Not to mention the price...get this...$12. No kidding. At home I pay more than triple that! I was very happy and I'm sure that I'll head back to the same place for my next cut. My hairdresser was telling me all kinds of stories about how he's been to Australia for the Vidal Sasson hair styling show and how he's been cutting hair for eleven years. It was fun. I even got asked to tutor, yet again, by some of the girls in the salon. I swear I get approached almost daily, it's ridiculous.

It was a nice weekend all in all, spent hanging out with really awesome friends.

Three weeks till my computer (and my mom!) comes to Seoul!!! Look forward to posting pictures soon!



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