Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I'm all over it
I got home Sunday night after a wicked awesome week round trip from Vancouver to Banff. I was training for the job mentioned in my previous post and, looks like I definitely have the coolest summer job in the world right now. It's awesome.
Anyway, I learned a ton and had a really great guide who knew TONS about what we were doing, where we were, and just how to run a really smooth trip.
Now it's my turn to fall really REALLY short of the standard that he set and drive a mini bus for forever and a day before returning home in a week. I'm super nervous, excited, anxious, apprehensive about the whole ordeal. I know that I'll do fine, but it's still just getting through that first seven day run that's going to be a total killer. I'm sure that over the course of the summer I'll have some of the craziest/stupidest/funniest stories to tell, so look forward to those.
I just hope to get through the next week without any MAJOR mishaps!
See ya in a week.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Onto Another Adventure

My life is always changing. For some reason I can't sit still for more than a few minutes without getting restless.
Tomorrow morning at 6:45am I will be meeting at Moose Travel Networks headquarters, getting on a bus, and being trained as a backpacker tourguide.
I found this job kind of by accident, emailed in a resume and was hired after only 2 interviews (as opposed to their usual 4 or 5). The company runs tours from Vancouver to Banff, stopping also in Shushwap Lake, Jasper, Revelstoke and Kelowna. I'll be learning what to point out and what to talk about, how to get to all of the hostels, where the fun pubs and restaurants are, AND how to get to the activities along the way like whitewater rafting, kayaking, and river boarding.
The drives are long because there are stops every hour, whether it be for a walk to a waterfall, or just a lunch break, days are very full. Basically tomorrow when I leave I'll be doing the tour as a tourist, except that I'll be learning way more as I go. They just want me to see what the tour is like so that I can get an idea of what they're looking for.
Anyway the trip is seven days long and will change to eight days in July, giving me a day off to relax in Banff before heading back toward Vancouver. The trip is backpacker style, so low budget (but way more fun), staying in hostels, and doing things cheaply. There are tons of perks that I'll get when I start driving myself like free meals, drinks, and I get to do all of the activities for no charge.
It sounds like an ideal job for me right now. Something outside and something that will keep me moving and busy for the summer until school starts in September.
I'll post pictures later on, it's been ages since I've driven through the Rockies and I'm sure that I'll be stunned at some of the beautiful things that I'll have the privelage of seeing all summer long!
You can find more information about Moose Travel Network (aka Bigfoot Tours) by clicking on the link.
See ya!
Monday, June 12, 2006
World Cup Fever

I just finished watching the US v. Czech Republic game and I can happily say the Americans lost 3-0. The Czechs possibly played better than any team I've seen play so far. Holy garbage are they ever fast.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Americans by any means, but lets be serious this is one world tournament that they don't need to win. As one of my friends said, if the Americans won the World Cup, it would be a 30 second news clip sandwiched between basketball and baseball highlights. No one in America cares about the World Cup. I can say the same for Canada, but we don't have a team anywhere near competing, AND we have a team in the Stanley Cup finals, not that I particularly care about hockey or even pretend to.
Anyway, tomorrow is a very big day.
5:30am Pacific time Korea v. Togo
8:30am Pacific time Switzerland v. France
11:30am Pacific time BRAZIL v. Croatia.
I'm super stoked cause these are going to be some fantastic games, though I'm not stoked about getting up at 5:30am to watch. Oh well, what can you do.